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Captura de Pantalla 2023-01-07 a la(s) 02.31.50.png

To The Day I Die

(songs of the sea)

If you've ever been in love, you know how good it feels. How bad it hurts.

Ever since, I've never been the same. Trust me. Ask me. Would you ?

I'd do it all over.

The Pink Album tells a story.


It reveals the faces of love that I wore in humility in real life. And so, I wanted to

create imagery to complete the senses, to make the story whole, if only and in

order to let it go completely.


My daughter Raven had the vision to create the film for my story, to bring it to

another form of expression.


And as fate would have it, by beautiful chance, at that very moment of our

discussing how to make this happen, Katja, a woman of exceptional vision in

filmmaking, found us through Killing Eve and became co-creator.


Gil Lesage, mon ange, Lou Lesage and Castiel Blue brought an ugly-beauty and

elegance to what you see in me, that I wouldn’t have had without them.


The film bloomed through the musicalness of Keefus, who embellished it utilising

the blood and guts, the core of Unloved music, conjuring it’s evocative score, and

completing the picture.


It all happened so fast and serendipitously. To watch this story through their

eyes, the unique vision of these fascinating artists combined, I am so moved that I

disappear and become a mere facet of the music with a life of its own.


These are my personal feelings.


It felt as though it made us, this film.


The visual story with sound, was the final detail. The flexi book was modelled

closely after the infamous French Sonorama magazines of the 1960s, there was no

other way. For me they were reminiscent of childhood when I discovered them.


Touch .. turn the page. Look .. let the pictures show you. Listen .. an almost

magic record-style thin plastic sound sheet bound between pages only needs to

be slipped onto the turntable of a record player to listen to the unadulterated song

version from the film .. more than listening to a record, more than watching a film,

this other dimension adds to the experience, a sort of tangible daydream. A

tangibleness like pen to paper that is an irreplaceable connection of body and

soul, or maybe it’s mind/spirit, but I don’t think anyone has made them since the

60s, and it is a great wonder why not. So you see, there was no way not to

recreate this.


It’s hard to contain my excitement. This is that moment where you hold the

wrapped package, this unknown thing, that suspense while we reel on


“I wonder if it will please you ?”

and maybe you might feel that sparkle of anticipation,

“I wonder what it is ?!”

This is my favorite part, like a cat on a hot tin roof.


We humbly offer this experience to you, to make of it as you wish.


So here is your ticket, your admittance to the film wherever you are.

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